



I heard this expression once: “in the pink” meaning:  being in extremely good health and spirits.

Originally when I came up with the name the Pink Kitchen I picked it because pink is my favourite color but then I heard this expression and I thought that is exactly what I strive to create with my food: good health and thriving spirits! 

Whether it’s me giving food advice as a coach, or cooking at a lovely yoga retreat or creating meals at home, I always have that in mind, that food is medicine, that holistic, health and healing approach to my craft, I’ve been developing that so much the last couple of years and with a lot of success! 

Plus the the color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others. Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability. 



Why Plant Based

“Not everyone can stand on their heads everyday, but everybody eats. You can practice and vote for a more peaceful, prosperous and happy world three times a day when you sit down to eat.” Sharon Gannon (Co- Founder Jivamukti Yoga and author of YOGA & VEGANISM)



So there are many gateways that lead to plant based living, that's a given.... Some of us choose this path because of health reasons, so very focused on diet only, some because of the environment, some because of animal rights or all three. For me personally my love for animals has always been the main drive, because animal liberation, is our liberation. But i also really value my body, my health and the environment. Plus let’s face it a lot of people do things (and eat things) because they weren’t told (or know) any different. I am convinced that if people knew the truth about factory farming, the slaughter houses, about where their food actually comes from, things would be a lot different. I have been crazy about animals ever since I can remember, from a very young age I was very interested & involved in animal welfare, this never ending love I have for animals is just enormous, i translate this love in all the dishes i create, in all the classes i teach (both food and yoga) it is without a doubt my absolute drive in this life and my (PINK) kitchen.


Besides the ethics, there are so many benefits to a vegan, plant based diet.The healthiest diet on this planet IS a vegan diet. It’s not something I came up with, this is science, this is a FACT proven by doctors, medical professionals and scientists. And you will notice the incredible difference this will bring into your life, soon enough, as long as you eat a VARIETY of good, wholesome, locally sourced and fresh food and you create and eat meals according to the vegan pyramid (2/4 fruit, 3/5 veg, 6/11 grains, 2/3 legumes, seeds, nuts, 2/3 fortified dairy substitutes, moderately fat and non refined sugars, plus drink plenty of water) Bodybuilders, athletes, runners are living and are high- performing on completely vegetable based diets. So many people are unaware of the fact that all essential vitamins, nutrients and elements are all part of a well- balanced vegan diet AND cholesterol free! A true game changer, try it for yourself! If you need any help on the path and with meal plans, plant-based food advice etc just contact me for a consultation and I will get you going!



If you want to master something teach it. - Yogi Bhajan

For over ten years now I have been spreading my love for food, cooking and plant based living through my workshops, courses and events all over the world. I feel super passionate about the teaching component of my work, as i love paying it forward, sharing my knowledge and message on a wide scale, globally. Plus I have a performance background so you can be guaranteed that you will be entertained all through, it's what I do! So take the opportunity to learn with me (and have a few laughs while you're at it) and sign up for any of my courses here online. You will not regret it!

booklet image

Go Vegan For Your Life a vegazine!

A plant based power vegazine with recipes, meal plans, nutritional info and more.

This lovely booklet/zine has been put together with such care and precision, sharing with you years and years of plant based nutrition and cooking knowledge and diving deep into the relationship of yoga and veganism, professionally designed with gorgeous illustrations and pictures.


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YOGA IN ACTION- Food and Yoga

Go deep into one thing and you will know everything.
Rima Rabbath

That is yoga. My yoga. My practice. It’s not seeing things as separate anymore. It’s all one. It's all integrated. This is how I see my journey on this path of liberation. Whether I’m cooking for 300 people on a festival, or 10 people at a small intimate retreat, or my food, yoga and activism workshops, it’s all connected. All of which is yoga in action. One does not work without the other. I am extremely dedicated to my yoga practice just as much as to cooking, so I take FOOD & YOGA very seriously, especially in a retreat context or in the context of bringing the two together in a sacred place. To me plant- based cooking is LOVE, I believe that cooking is a spiritual experience, as a chef I am bringing a gift to the people I am cooking for. I cook with love for what i do, for who i am cooking for and with love and devotion for all animals worldwide, because plant-based cooking to me is translating that love and commitment to my work as an activist to conscious cooking with LOVE FOR ALL BEINGS.



Brahmārpañam Brahma Havir Brahmāgnau Brahmañāhutaṃ,
Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam Brahmakarmā Samādhinah.

Perceive Brahman everywhere and in all things. Brahman is the ladle, Brahman is the food, Brahman is the fire, Brahman has prepared the food and Brahman will be the eater of the food. Finally, Brahman is the goal to be reached.
Brahman: from the Sanskrit root bri, which means to expand; the eternal, changeless reality, that which transcends all forms.



"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need." Ayurvedic proverb

So for me eating holistic, nourishing,  healthy food prepared with TLC baby with the understanding that food is indeed medicine (or poison, you decide) that we truly are what we eat, is a given. On top of that I thrive on the fact that I think the whole world should know about the JOY of healthy vegan cuisine so here I am sharing my vegan knowledge, experiences & my very own vegan recipes with the world!

Because I believe that the whole world should think a little more & meat a little less. Let’s all create a world so awesome it doesn’t know what to do with itself. Enjoy cooking, baking, creating and spreading the vegan love people! There is a special section on AYURVEDIC dishes, as I am currently studying to become an Ayurvedic Health Coach, something I am super passionate about and excited to share with the world too!

Kick ass and Break-Fast!



PLANT POWER FUEL (meals that will keep you going)

Indian Style Potato Curry

Indian Style Potato Curry- 4 ppl.


cashew cream

Cashew cream


Walnut Brownie

Walnut brownie



Vegan Kitchari

creamy Beetroot Soup

Creamy Beetroot soup



Coming soon




So I absolutely LOVE and ADORE cookbooks. How could I do what I do without getting some inspiration from some incredible professionals out there who really know their stuff! Here I am sharing my personal stack of cookbooks and resources I find really helpful, hopefully you will too. I am an absolute collector and the list of “must have cookbooks” is pretty much endless. But here we go, my books:

My favourite plant based cookbooks:

Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romer
Appetite For Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz
Cookin’ Up A Storm by Laura Dakin
Think, Eat, Act by Raffaela Tolicetti
Simple Recipes For Joy by Sharon Gannon
Cats and Dogs are People Too by Sharon Gannon
Yoga & Veganism by Sharon Gannon
Easy Vegan by Sue Quinn
My New Roots by Sarah Britton
Homemade Vegan Pantry – The Art Of Making Your Own Staples by Miyoko
Artisan Vegan Cheese by Miyoko Schinner
Simply Vegan & Vegan Handbook by Debra Wasserman
Vegan by Tony Weston & Yvonne Bishop
The Complete Guide to Vegan Food Substitutions: Veganize it! by Celine Steen & Joni Marie Newman
How It All Vegan & The Garden of Vegan by Tanya Barnard & Sara Kramer
Another Dinner is Possible by Mike & Isy
The Lotus And The Artichoke By Justin P. Moore
What the health cookboo and many many more

Plant based cookbooks for the Dutchies:

Vega Revolutie by Lisa Steltenpool
De Groene Meisjes
Vegan zuivel Emelie Holm
Vegan for friends Alexander Gershberg

Plant based cookbook for the Germans:

Sophia’s Vegane Welt by Sophia Hoffmann she is super cool, check her
blog too!

Great Books:

The Spiritual Activist by Claudia Horwitz
Ocean Warrior by Paul Watson
Generation V by Claire Askew
Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: an introduction to Carnism by Melanie Joy, Ph.D.
Meat is for pussies- John Joseph
The PMA Effect- John Joseph (i highly recommend the audio book)
Running for Good- Fiona Oakes



International Vegan Association
Vegan Health
No Meat Athlete
Kris Carr
Vegan Bodybuilding